Monday, April 28, 2008

Should students be allowed to use cell phones in public high schools?

The 21st century has brought many new advances in technology. The more widespread use of computers, cell phones, digital video, and the internet has helped to expand the use of technology in schools, the workplace, and at home. The technology age is upon us and it has started a trend among public and private school sectors worldwide. The trend in the use of technology has helped classroom instruction but to what extent? There are pros and cons to the use of technology in education these days. Recent trends have occurred in the use of technology by students in the classroom. Cell phones have become a new issue that has caused school districts to reevaluate their policy concerning the use of cell phones in class. Many school districts have banned the use of cell phones on school property. But in recent months, that policy has come under review. The policy has changed to coincide with recent trends throughout the country that allow cell phones on school campuses for safety reasons. Several school districts have banned pagers and cell phones starting a decade ago because of their connection to drug and gang activity, as well as due to the disruption to classes. But, parents have began to lobby boards to change policies based on the argument that phones will make students and schools safer in light of emergencies and violence in schools. Should cell phones be allowed in schools for this reason? Can they be integrated into classroom learning? Will they cause more harm then good if students are allowed to use them in public schools?