Thursday, May 1, 2008

How teachers can continue to use technology into thier classroom instruction.

With continuing advances in information technology and demands for more than two million new teachers this decade, there is a clear need for ongoing innovation in integrating technology in teacher education classrooms across the country have at least one computer and more and more classrooms have student and teacher workstations. As a classroom tool, the computer has captured the attention of the education community. This instrument can store, manipulate, and retrieve information, and it has the capability not only of engaging students in classroom activities to increase their learning, but helping solve complex problems to enhance their cognitive skills. Lessons are becoming more and more computer based and students are expected to be computer literate at much younger ages then before. These new and innovative approaches to student learning have and will continue to shape the future of education for decades to come. There are more resources available for students and teachers in specific academic fields. The internet has made it easier for teachers to use outside resources in their classroom instruction instead of old fashioned textbook lesson plan. With vast databases of information and web search engines such as and, teachers and students have more access to academic information than in the past. There are several software companies that have geared their programs toward classroom instruction with pre-written lesson plans, teacher resource links, and student assessment activities already built in and easily assessable with just the click of a button. There are video databases available on websites such as that allow teachers to download instructional videos for use in their classrooms.

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