Thursday, May 1, 2008

When cell phones in schools become a distraction.

Many school districts across the country have adopted student cell phone use polices that will allow cell phones on campus but they cannot be used during instructional hours. The focus on their disruption of the instructional process has become a conflict with cell phones becoming a convenience items over recent years. This trend has been seen throughout school districts in the United States and other Countries. Such devices are more for convenience purposes today than it may have been 10 years ago. Therefore, some school boards have changed policies to avoid parental pressures and school and community politics. Cell phones also present another disruption to the educational environment on a day-to-day basis. Ringing cell phones can disrupt classes and distract students who should be paying attention to their lessons at hand. Text message has been used for cheating. This causes even more problem for teachers that already struggle with classroom management. Now there are new cell phones with cameras that could be used to take photos of exams, take pictures of students changing clothes in gym locker rooms, and take pictures of test questions and answers all together.

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